Grey Waters Do’s & Don’ts

Grey Waters Do’s & Don’ts

Traveling the open road with friends, losing track of time on meandering backroads, and discovering hidden gems – these are some of the most treasured moments from my teenage years. Back then, the logistics of organising such trips were the last thing on my mind. Now, as an adult planning my own adventures, I’ve come to appreciate the complexities involved in managing a trip.

Towing on a Shoestring: Secrets to Fuel Efficiency

Towing on a Shoestring: Secrets to Fuel Efficiency

Imagine this: You’re meandering down the scenic highways of Southern Queensland, your trusty caravan trailing behind like a loyal sheepdog. The freedom of the open road beckons, but there’s a catch – your caravan’s insatiable thirst for fuel. But don’t worry, fellow nomads! Fresh from a 3 day road trip through the best of Toowoomba’s surroundings, I’ve gathered some golden nuggets of wisdom to help keep those fuel costs from draining your wallet. So, grab a cuppa, settle in, and let’s mosey through the secrets of frugal towing!